Gear Section
below are some pictures of my gear, and some pictures of gear, that I plan to own in the future.
Here is a picture of my pride and joy. (in the words of SRV). It is a 1996 57 Reissue Fender stratocaster..
Here is a picture of my amp, well not my exact amp, but it's the same thing, I just didn't have time to take a picture of mine. Anyways, it's a 1993 Fender Blues Deluxe 40w All tube.
Here are some of my pedals. From left to right they are: 80s Boss DM-3 Analog Delay, MXR Phase 90 Reissue, Dunlop Crybaby, Ibanez Tubescreamer TS9, modded to and 808
Future Purchases..........
Hopefully my next purchase will be this summer some time, and be a Gibson Les Paul Standard.